Impacting Our Community & Our Organization
The Aspire Foundation Development Office raises awareness and funding to support the mission of Aspire. The department and its volunteers actively seek and manage charitable contributions to empower adults with disabilities to lead fulfilling lives. If you are passionate about our mission, consider joining our board.
Meet Our Development Director
Janae Hamilton has been the Foundation Development Director since 2014. Janae spearheads a variety of fundraising events while also raising awareness in the community about Aspire through speaking engagements, as a Chamber of Commerce Ambassador and through Aspire's social media efforts. If you would like Janae to come and speak at a community event, club or meeting please contact her at 605-229-0263 ext 1007 or email jhamilton@aspiresd.org.

Aspire Foundation Board Members
Duane Sutton, President - Millstone, Business Owner, Brown County Commissioner
Kelli Fischer, VP- Avera Health
Rebecca Ronayne, Secretary/Treasurer - Ronayne Law Office
Mike Carrels - C-Express, Business Owner
Pierce Kettering - Family Farm
Ryan Schimke, Market President - First Interstate Bank
Eldon Swingler - Insurance Plus, Business Owner
Dave Taffe - Retired Pharmacist
Zach Harry - Farm Credit Services of America
Opportunities to Give
Together, we can make empowered lives a reality.